Listen to the Silence
For members only
Oasis of Being is an ideal place to meditate. Surrounded by the forest, with the view on the mountains, it provides clarity in your meditative space while strengthening your stability.
Life is there, waiting for us to embrace it, but we consider it most of time as a threat!
We live on survival in a noisy world and in a noisy head. We seek for connections at all costs that do not nourish us deeply. Our own words become a distraction since they are rooted in subconscious reactions, like little stories that had been repeated so many times that they became true.
UKETAMO means for the Japanese yogis surrendering or acceptance. They consider the cosmic laws through their deep connection to nature the path of self-discovery and the path of a fulfilled life or dharma.
This retreat combines:
- Kundalini Yoga & the science of sound / naad to reset our nervous system and be able to embrace the richness and depth of silence.
- Conscious walks in the mountain to readjust our rhythm.
- Somatic touch to connect at a deeper level to our body and instinctive intelligence.
- Fire rituals to reconnect to the cosmic cycles.
- Deep meditations in specific places in the nature & prayer with the elements.
- Sattvic diet to refine your perceptions.
This retreat aims at:
- Rebalancing your nervous system: special kriyas and meditations.
- Recovering and nourishing a deeper connection to yourself by being in nature and in silence.
- Experiencing the medecine of silence.
- Contemplating your mind patterns & bringing more flexibility in your automatisms & perspectives.
- Connecting to the magic of the unknown.
We will limit our communication to the minimum at the beginning of the retreat. Phone, tablets and computers will be taken away.
Day 3-4-5 we will be in strict silence. On day 5, we will start to talk again in the afternoon, but you will only get back your devices on the last day.
We will have a special sattvic diet during the retreat. This diet will be light and adapted to the transition summer/autumn.
Seva: during the retreat you are invited to participate to the community life by contributing with your time and energy (around 30 min per day: chopping vegetables, cleaning common spaces, washing the dishes, …).
No mobile phone and no computer.
Your Teachers:
Sat Sarbat and Satmukh.
August 19-24
Day 1: starts at 11 am
Day 6: finishes at 1 pm with lunch
Schedule of a day (might be adapted during the retreat, Uketamo!)
5.00 – 8.00 early morning practice
8.00 to 10:30 breakfast & break
10:30 to 13:00 morning program
Lunch break: 13:00 to 16:00
16:00 to 19:00: Afternoon program
Occasionally some short evening programs.