Your Hosts


Satmukh AAA

Yoga & nature are pillars in Satmukh’s life. Settling down in the Oasis of Being allowed Satmukh to reconnect. Even a simple thing, such as being in touch with the seasons, was impossible while traveling in different climate zones and hemispheres.


Living in the mountains was an old dream. It has required Satmukh to learn new skills and to be confronted in unknown ways, realizing how community is necessary in such an environment.


A healthy lifestyle is more accessible, with regular walks, cycling and skiing in the mountains, local food, gardening, chopping wood, Ishnaan in natural cold water, contemplation of nature, and meditation in the silence of the mountains…

In his twenties, Satmukh traveled the world to search for Permaculture. This journey started in Australia in 1998, where permaculture was born, and continued in Europe until 2003. Satmukh was deeply inspired by this holistic view of nature and human activities to disturb the least natural order while honouring our different needs.


After 2003, deeply inspired by the teachings of Kundalini Yoga and Sat Nam Rasayan, Satmukh has traveled worldwide for over 15 years to share them and instil a sense of community and service. Today, he teaches online and mainly in Europe face-to-face. In 2012, he and Sat Sarbat founded the Ajai Alai Awakening school


Satmukh is also passionate about Tantric numerology, children’s development, and how to teach Kundalini Yoga to children, Somatic Movements & restorative yoga for trauma. Agni, the fire, has always had a central place in his teachings of transformation and discernment. He also studied Gurdjieff’s Sacred Dances and Sufism and Felicitas Godman’s Shamanic Ritual Postures.

Sat Sarbat

Sat Sarbat has always been a lover of nature. She learned very early to appreciate and respect all lives.


She encountered Kundalini Yoga in 1999 after an intense, adventurous, full, rich, and challenging phase of life. The teachings opened a door for her, and she committed generously, without hesitation and reservation, to this new path. She studied with devotion all that was available: Sat Nam Rasayan, Numerology, Yoga for Children, and Conscious Pregnancy.


Later, and over the years, driven by the desire to gain tools for every possible need and request, Sat Sarbat has kept exploring and seeking certification in several other techniques for self-development (among others: Gurdjieff’s Movements, Grief Recovery, Hellinger’s family constellations, Dieter Rehberg’s PME, James French’s Trust Technique, and hypnotherapy).


However, she never forgot the simplicity of nature to which she always longed. Her dream was to settle in nature, which became true in 2022 at the Oasis of Being.


Sat Sarbat can touch by making spiritual teachings accessible and resonating in one’s life. She exudes an unconditional love that allows masks to dissolve with grace.


With the help of a healing and quiet environment, she hopes to keep serving all those who wish to discover themselves, upgrade the quality of their lives through increased awareness, and overcome their self-sabotaging patterns.

Joy & Dyal

Life at the Oasis of Being would not be the same without Joy and Dyal. 


They bring sweetness, laughter, and challenge in the same measure and quantity, whether it is by wildly playing in the grass field in front of the house or friendly and happily following those who walk by and have to come back to return them to us or coming back home stinky after rolling themselves in whatever they found dead or bringing back giant bones found in the forest.


We met Joy in the summer of 2021 when she was one year old and brought to a kennel after her owner went to prison. She is a faithful and gentle little dog whose goal is to be with us as much as possible, often just sleeping in Satmukh’s lap while he works (Satmukh’s is more comfortable than Sat Sarbat’s, and she discovered that quickly!)

Dyal was born in the streets of Sicily and brought to a kennel when he was 4 months old. He had just turned 1 year old when, in January 2023, his picture struck our hearts, and we planned a relay trip from Sicily to Austria with the help of many dog lovers.


He arrived pretty scared, and since he had lived in a cage for some 10 months, he could not follow Joy up and down the mountains. Today, after long runs and 5 kilos later, he became a strong competitor for Joy.


Joy and Dyal love each other, and even if they have three beds to choose from, they often sleep together in the smallest of the three!

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