Essential Self: Be You!
For members only
As a member, you can stay at Oasis of Being for different periods of time depending on the availability. If you need to get away from the noise and agitation of the society, and be by yourself, Oasis of Being is an ideal place.
BE YOU! Too often, we use spiritually to justify that we keep ignoring part of ourselves, like our instinctive parts. Our instincts cannot be rationalized and were often judged as unacceptable as a child since they did not necessarily fit the expectations of the adults and the social norms.
But these instincts (to belong and be safe, to be playful and to be engaged socially) are such a precious energy if we acknowledge them and direct them towards our truth. They give us movement, spontaneity and security.
They are the fondations of our being. since they develop at an early age, they are mixed with trauma. We will use Venus kriyas to amplify our connection to our instinctive self, and integrate this part into our life, root of our self respect and plug to our natural rhythm.
This retreat aims at:
- Taking time for yourself: self-reflection, relaxation, time in nature, ….
- Plugging into your instinctual self: safety, spontaneity, innocence, drive, ....
- Practicing special kriyas / meditations and constellation to recognise where you resist your own nature.
- Regaining the access to your totality and daring manifesting it.
Generous diet to enjoy the pleasures of eating well and healthy.
Seva: during the retreat you are invited to participate to the community life by contributing with your time and energy (around 30 min per day: chopping vegetables, cleaning common spaces, washing the dishes, …).
Your Trainers:
Sat Sarbat and Satmukh.
From August 10, 19:00 pm to August 15, 9:00 am.
On day 1, we start at 19:00 pm
On the last day, we finish at 9:00 am.
Other days:
Morning practice (5 to 7 am),
Breakfast around 7:30, morning session (11:00 am to 1 pm),
Lunch from 1 to 3 pm, afternoon session (5 to 7 pm).
Evening free or light program.